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WordPress Migration: 4 Easy Methods and FAQ

Ideally, you'll select a hosting provider which is good enough that you'll never need to move your website. However, not all hosting companies provide the same level of service or quality. If you select the incorrect one, you may have to your WordPress Migration at some point.

5 actionable methods to reduce the shopping cart abandonment rate

The fight to reduce the shopping cart abandonment rate is one of the most frustrating challenges for any eCommerce and online retailer. The effort to get customers to complete their purchase is equal to attracting them to visit your online stores. Below are the 5 proven methods to reduce shopping cart abandonment rate which are chosen by eCommerce marketers and online sellers.

Hong Kong eCommerce website: 6 mobile optimization tips to follow

Hong Kong Mobile eCommerce is growing significantly. According to J.P.Morgan Report, in 2020, mobile devices took the responsibility for 47% of eCommerce transactions. 49% of Hong Kong shoppers use mobile devices to access e-commerce. Needless to say, Hong Kong eCommerce and merchants need to offer both mobile and desktop sites. It is essential to adopt a mobile-first mindset when building an eCommerce website today.

B2B eCommerce website: 5 techniques to optimize your site

B2B eCommerce website is becoming the preferred place for bulk buying. B2B customers today are choosing B2B eCommerce to directly buy the product and services they need. If you are a wholesaler or a manufacturer, it's time to adapt to stay competitive. It cost a lot to have a prospect to know about your name, visit your site to learn more, and maybe want to place a bulk order. Ensure that your B2B eCommerce website is optimized to foster engagement and attract them through streamlined and smooth experiences.

eCommerce Landing Page Optimization: 6 Actionable Tips to Increase Conversion

According to research, nearly one-fourth of online customers begin their shopping journey on a product page, and 96% of visitors are indecisive about whether or not to buy after landing on a product page. ECommerce landing pages are designed to attract potential buyers, educate visitors about the product and brand, and ultimately sell the product. If properly designed, an eCommerce landing page can boost lead generation, conversion rate, and sales.

UX strategy: 6 techniques to boost eCommerce sales

UX strategy is more than just good looks; it's a way to attract, engage, and retain customers. It affects not only design and branding but also the whole performance of your e-commerce marketing approach. We'll go through four of the most important UX techniques with actionable ideas, to assist you to create the UX strategy that satisfies your customers and drives sales.

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